Thursday, August 1, 2013

24 DC: Day 4

Day 1-3 was a breeze! Now let's see how the next 7 days of the cleanse will go. Remember to continue to avoid fried foods and sugar. Low sodium and low sugar is the way to go! Avoid these foods and your body will not crave them after the cleanse...definitely worth it. 
6:45-Spark, Catalyst and Probiotic Restore Ultra
7:30-OmegaPlex and ThinkThin brownie crunch bar
10:15-unsalted rice cake with natural peanut butter
12-Boca Chick'n patty with a dab of mustard in a lettuce "bun", brown rice, and an apple
5-unsalted Cashews
7- Fatz Lite Citrus Grilled Chicken (less than 400 cal)
10-herbal cleanse packet
When going out to eat, look for the under 500 calorie menu. Most restaurants have them now and the food is great! If you have a salad, remember vinaigrettes are better for you than creamy dressings; avoid those as much as possible. Also ask if they can cook your food without any butter or oil to make sure you are avoiding those at all costs! The chicken I had tonight was awesome! Cannot wait to try something else there! 

24 DC: Day 3...I'm behind!

Yesterday was soo busy, I am just now getting a chance to post! Still feeling great though. One thing I do need to work on is getting more sleep throughout the week. Life definitely can get in the way of sleep sometimes. A full 8 hours of sleep really helps with your progress, believe it or not! The more rested you are the more you will feel better about making healthy choices. 
Here's to Day3!:
6:45-Spark and Catalyst 
7:15-fiber drink, OmegaPlex and Think Thin peanut butter bar
10 (more like 11)-Kar's unsalted fruit and nut mix
12-leftover turkey spaghetti 
2:30-Spark and 100% whole grain wheat thins
6:00-Turkey Sausage, one scrambled egg, and grapes
9:30-herbal cleanse packet
I love breakfast food but cannot eat it in the mornings so having it for supper is a good break in your menu planning. Quick and nutritional!
No workout today. Since I am getting back into the workout scene, I decided to let my body rest today. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

24 DC: Day 2

Day 2 has been another fabulous day and I have enjoyed feeling good again. 3 months to wait for your next cleanse seems like a lifetime! But keeping my body healthy is the goal, so minimal processed foods and more clean eating!
Here is the menu I had today:
6:45 a.m.-Mango Strawberry Spark with Catalyst
7:15 a.m.-Fiber drink, water, chocolate mocha Meal Replacement Shake (one of my favorites now!), 2 OmegaPlex 
10-30 a.m.-banana again for morning snack
12:00 p.m.-PB&J sandwich with one piece of Arnold 100% whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter and sugar free jelly. Grapes and some Kashi go lean crunch! cinnamon crumble
3:00 p.m.-Watermelon Spark and Cashews
6:30 p.m.-turkey spaghetti! *recipe at bottom
8:00 p.m.- Can you 24? Core stretch (my favorite on the DVD)
10:00 p.m.-Herbal Cleanse packet
Turkey Spaghetti Recipe:
93% lean Ground turkey, cooked
Harvest Farms organic smooth marinara pasta sauce
Mueller's 100% whole grain elbow noodles, cooked
Combine all ingredients and enjoy!
I cook this for supper then pack up the rest for meals throughout the week. Meal prepping can be your best tool to eating clean! Cook once, eat 4 times off of that one meal :)
Make sure you are still drinking tons of water! This is key to the cleanse if nothing else. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge: Day 1!!

Day 1 has been great so far! I love being able to improve my body and be healthy! Here are my foods for today:
6:45 a.m.-Mango Strawberry Spark & Catalyst
7:15 a.m.-Citrus fiber drink followed my 8 ounces water. 2 OmegaPlex, thinkThin brownie crunch bar (yum!), and more water! 
10:00 a.m.-banana
12:00 p.m.-Boca Chick'n patty with lettuce as my "bun" with just a little mustard, a small apple, and brown rice
3:00 p.m.-Watermelon Spark
3:30 p.m.-Kar's unsalted fruit and nut mix
5:30 p.m.-Catalyst
6:00 p.m.-Taco Salad with reduced sodium seasoning and just a few tortilla chips
7:30 p.m.-Can You 24? Workout Melt 2
8:00 p.m.-nighttime snack-Cashews! 
9:30 p.m.-Herbal Cleanse packet
**I have drank a total of 180 ounces of water throughout the day. Please remember to drink as much as you can even when you think you do not need to!
Taco Salad: 93% lean ground beef with reduced sodium taco seasoning. Add to bed of lettuce and any other veggies of your choice. Dash of taco sauce and a few tortilla chips. Delish!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge

Hey Everybody!
Wanted to share a different resource for anyone who is on their Challenge now, thinking of starting, or anyone who has completed a Challenge and would like new ideas for recipes or snacks! When I started my first challenge, I thought I was going to have to eat the same boring thing every day. I soon realized that it was just not going to work like that if I wanted to succeed. So I started recipe searching and wanted to share with everyone so no one dreads eating healthy.
For anyone who is thinking of trying a 24 Day Challenge, it is an absolutely great program out there to get you eating clean and feeling great! The first ten days is a cleanse phase, which removes any toxins in your body and prepares your body for maximum absorption of nutrients. The last 14 days you enter a Max phase that turns you body into a fat burning machine! Your body performs so much better and I have had amazing results! 
If you are interested in starting your own 24 Day Challenge, email me at and we can get you started!! 
"Stay tuned"!! I will be blogging every day on my Challenge so you can get snack and meal ideas and use as a guide to help you!